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ATSIP'2015 Advanced Processing Techniques and Information Fusion: Methods & Applications 21-24 March 2015, Sousse-Tunisia Accommodation: EL MOURADI SKANES Hotel ****, Monastir-Tunisia |
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Download the PDF Call for Papers
Template for Oral Presentation
Template for Poster Presentation
It is our pleasure to call for participation to the 2015 ATSIP Spring School on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP'2015).
The main goal of the Spring school is to provide undergraduate students, M.Sc. or PhD students, academics, and engineers from industry with hands-on knowledge on Signal and Image Processing . The school includes theoretical and practical sessions.
The school aims also to discuss the challenges and to strengthen the connection between academia and industry in the area of Adavnced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing.
The program of the school includes theoretical and practical talks during five days from 21 to 24 March 2015. It also includes poster session. All students have to present their ideas / works in a poster. A best poster award will be announced in the closing session.
The school is organized by the ATMS-LAB. (Advanced Technologies for Medicine and Sinal Laboratory), Sponsored by the Association of Advanced Tecnologies for Signal and Image in Tunisia.
Participants enrolledin graduate doctoral programs are invited to send two pages containing the description of the research project following the template of the Spring School ATSIP2015 ( Template ATSIP'15) in the website https://easychair .org/conferences/?conf=atsip2015be fore15/01/15. A scientific committee will select the best research projects to be presented during oral and poster sessions.
The online research projects submission system is now open. Please read over the paper kit for formatting instructions. Submitted research project should be uploaded through the Easychair conference management system.
To submit your research project, please follow the instructions below.
1. If you don't have an EasyChair account, please register to obtain an account using a valid e-mail address.
2. Then, log in to EasyChair using the following link:
3. Upon a successful login, you will see the Main Interface. Click on 'New Submission'.
4. Fill out the information on the corresponding author, co-authors, title, and abstract.
6. Click on Choose File to select the file to upload
7. Finally, press the 'Submit Paper' button to complete the submission. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that your submission was successful .
Credit-study Recognition:
Doctoral school recognizing the formation
Participants enrolled in doctoral programs and who wish to receive credits from their university will receive a recognized certificate from the holder of the ATSIP'2015 School Committee.
The ATSIP2015 organizing committee is also in contact with graduate schools of different academic institutions (Tunisian & others) that provide doctoral programs in relevant disciplines of the spring school for the recognition of these credits. It is also up to the student to ensure the recognition of these credits from the academic administration of their university.
Doctoral school recognizing the formation:
- ENIS, D.S. GE & ISI, Sfax; Tunisa
- ENSIT, D.S. Génie Electrique, Tunis; Tunisia
- D.S. MATISSE, Brest; France
- D.S. EEATS, Grenoble; France
- D.S. ESDM, Toulouse ; France