ATMS Director

Ahmed BEN HAMIDA, born in 1963 in Sfax (Tunisia), holds university degrees as Principal Engineer, AEA and DEA post graduate degrees in Telecommunications, Doctorate (as PhD) in Signal Processing, and Post-doctoral Qualification in medical technologies, where he is currently expert. Actually, Full Professor, at ENIS (National School of Engineering), University of Sfax, Tunisia.
He is the founder & the head of the research laboratory ATMS (Advanced Technologies for Medicine & Signals), ENIS, University of Sfax, Tunisia. This laboratory presents an original creation bringing together various skills in technology and medicine. The staff managed is around 80 members (Research Professors, Professors and Associate Professors, Professors in Medicine, Post doc candidates, PhD students, Masters ...), and the activities concern various research projects, close partnership with medical & clinical department, supervision of Doctorates (more than 40 doctorate programs was successfully defended), promotion of completed research works, towards the industrial application fields…
He coordinates and actively participates in the Doctoral programs of ENIS, University of Sfax. He is Founder and Chairman of a TSI (Technology Signal & Image) thesis committee of ENIS, and Expert in Medical Technology thanks to his permanent activities with medical & clinical departments.
Founder and Honorary President of a Scientific Association ATSI (Association Technologie Signal Image), which has organized various high-level scientific events, sometimes on an international scale.
In 2014, he founded the ATSIP international conference on signal & image processing, and he was the General Chair during all editions. Such an important event aims to provide a high-level international forum for researchers, engineers and scientists from around the world to present and discuss recent advances technologies and applications in the fields of Signal and Image Processing. The conference will feature world-class speakers, plenary sessions, business and industrial exhibits…
He was also the Founder and President of an International Spring School SS-ATSIP'2015, which brought together high-level Professors, Tunisia, France, Canada, USA, to provide applied courses for high-level training for doctoral students working in Signal fields, Image, Video, Telecom, Remote sensing... He was an invited Speaker in various high-level seminars and conferences especially those concerned with signal processing and medical technologies…
He occupied the position of the Coordinator of a sectoral committee at the Ministry of Higher Education (Tunisia), for five years, for the qualification & habilitation of Masters Degrees, Thesis Degrees and Habitations qualifications, in applied sciences. He was also a member of the hiring commission for Associate professors in Signal and Image Processing, during four years.
His research work, initially shared between ENIS, University of Sfax Tunisia and the University of Sherbrooke Canada, was mainly oriented to Signal Processing, Speech, Image, Medical Electronics (Stimulator, Hearing prosthesis, Audiometry). He heads a variety of research works at various levels (Master, Doctorate, Post-Doctoral Qualification), and he is currently focused on medical image processing (various modalities)… CAD 'Computer Aided Diagnosis' for various pathologies’ exploration was carefully finalized, developed and tested under his supervision.
Research work was globally in cooperation with eminent Laboratories as GRAMS University of Sherbrooke (Canada), LAMIH Valenciennes (France), GRIF Telecom lille1 (France), Laboratory of Neuroscience (Lyon, France), CReSTIC Laboratory (Reims, France), CEA (Commissariat Energie Atomique) (France), Telecom Paris (France), CENIR Pitié Salpêtrière hospital in Paris (France), Moncton University (Canada), PERFORM Laboratory Concordia University Montreal (Canada)… High-level scientific publications in specialized scientific journals, more than one hundred (Elsevier editions, IEEE Trans., Springer editions, IJSP, JAS, JOLPE, GESTS, Etc…).
High-level scientific manuscripts (courses), more than six, were under press with eminent edition…
Various financed projects were also headed, and interesting results were achieved & tested…
High-level scientific interventions were assured as an Invited Professor at the University of Sherbrooke (Canada, 1999-2003), LASL Calais France Laboratory and at GRIF Télécom Lille1 France.
Reviewer for Post-Doctoral Qualification and Theses, Reviewer for various graduate programs, Founder & Reviewer of various university institutions, Reviewer for various high-level projects, Reviewer of various articles for high-level journals...
Currriculum Vitae EN