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ATSIP'2016 21-24 March 2016, Monastir-Tunisia SENTIDO Rosa Beach hotel, Monastir-Tunisia
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The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP'2016) will be held in SENTIDO Rosa Beach hotel, Monastir, Tunisia, on March 21-24, 2016 . ATSIP is a technical conference focused on signal processing and its applications. The conference will feature world-class speakers, tutorials, exhibits, and over 120 lecture and poster sessions. Topics include but are not limited to:
Speech and audio processing (
See Subtopics)
- Jean Paul HATON (Fr) & Mondher FRIKHA (Tn)
Comput. Image & Video Processing (
See Subtopics)
- Rachid DERICHE (Fr) & Ezzedine B. BRAIEK, (Tn)
Remote sensing and assimilation (
See Subtopics)
- Mehrez ZRIBI (Fr) & Imed R. FARAH (Tn)
Modeling in Signals and Images (
See Subtopics)
- Ali DJAFARI (Fr), Majdi MANSOURI (Qatar)
Medical images and applications (
See Subtopics)
- Habib Ben Ali (Fr), Habib ZAIDI (Suisse) & Khalil CHTOUROU (Tn)
Data fusion modeling and applications (
See Subtopics)
- Didier DUBOIS (Fr) & Abdelaziz KALLEL (Tn) & Mounir SAYADI (Tn)
Signal processing for communications and networking (
See Subtopics)
Cryptography, watermarking & steganography (
See Subtopics)
- Habib HAMAM (Ca), Achraf MAKHLOUFI (Tn)
Special Sessions
The session Big Data Processing & Internet of Things offers an interdisciplinary venue to discuss challenges, technologies, and emerging directions in system design and implementation that pertain to the Internet of Things and Big Data. This session will include many topics such as RFID, Security, Neuro Imaging,Micro medical imaging...
Also, this session will include a Tutorial with a Round Table which will be presnted by Professeur Yahya SLIMANI, ISAMM, Tunis, Tunisie
Special Session Chair: Dr. Abdelkrim Bouramoul, Constantine2 University, MISC Laboratory, Algeria & Dr. Imed Riadh FARAH, ISAMM, Tunis, Tunisie -
The session Signal and image processing for emotion recognition. aims to gather people interested in emotion recognition field to discuss new analysis techniques and investigate their potential use in various emotion recognition applications.
Special Session Chairs: Dr. Choubeila MAAOUI, LCOMS Lab, Université de Lorraine, France, & Prof. Zied LACHIRI, ENIT, Tunis, TUNISIA -
The session Radio-Frequency IDentification will be a unique opportunity to exchange the results of research, new developed techniques in this innovative field with promising prospects
Special Session Chairs: Pr. Habib Hamam, Univ MONCTON, Canada & Pr. Ing. Ali Gharsallah, ENSIT, CEREP Laboratory, Tunisia -
The session Optical Remote Sensing Signal Modeling will be an opportunity to exchange the results of research, new developed techniques in this research field with promising prospects.
Special Session Chairs: Dr. Jean-Philippe Gastellu Etchegorry, IUT UPS, CESBIO Laboratory, France & Dr. Abdelaziz Kallel, CETIC research center, ATMS Laboratory, Tunisia -
The session Functional medical image processing” will be a unique opportunity to exchange the results of research, new developed techniques in this innovative field with promising prospects.
Special Session Chairs: Dr. Lamia SELLAMI, ISBS, Tunisia & Dr. Nawres KHLIFA, ISTM, Tunis, Tunisia & Dr. Khalil Chtourou, CHU SFAX, TUNISIE -
The session Natural Images and Document Image Processing: Adaptations and Specificities aims to establish interesting collaborations between the two research communities and how the document images are specific and need a dedicated imagery.
Special Session Chairs: Dr. Slim Kanoun, Associate Professor, Sfax University, Tunisia & Amel Ben Azza, Professor, Tunis Carthage University, Tunisia & Véronique Eglin, Professor, Lyon 1 University, France -
The session Processing of Words and Text issued from Image and Electronic documents: Adaptations and Specificities will be an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas especially between researchers interested in the natural language processing (electronic text processing) and optical word and text recognition (word and text image processing).
Special Session Chairs: Dr. Slim Kanoun, Associate Professor, Sfax University, Tunisia & Dr. Maher Khemakhem, Associate Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia & Dr. Hassanin Al-Barhamtoshy, Professor, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Authors are invited to submit full-length papers of no more than six pages including results, figures and references. Papers will be accepted only by electronic submission through the conference web site:
Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this conference. Accepted and presented papers as well as conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
Extended versions of selected papers for the topic Remote sensing and assimilation will appear in “European Journal of Remote Sensing” ( ISI THOMSON Indexed, Impact factor : 1.36) :
- Submission of Regular Papers…………...…: January 1st, 2016
- Notification of Paper Acceptance…………...: February 1st, 2016
- Revised Paper Upload Deadline……………: February 15th, 2016
- Author’s Registration Deadline……………...: February 29th, 2016