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Guidelines For Poster Presentation 

1.              Preparation of Posters


·  Posters should be simple, brief and prepared having in minds, primarily, their use as a basis for the presentation and possible discussion of the work that is already published in the Conference Proceedings. However, they should be also self-intelligible.

·  The poster should include an Abstract. The information may conveniently be divided into sections, starting with an Introduction and ending with Conclusion.

·      As poster should be readable by more than one person at the same time, a letter size of at least 6 mm in height for the text and 10 mm for the section headings are suggested.

2.              Poster Board Dimensions


·  The final poster dimension should not exceed 110 cm (length) x  80 cm (width)

·  Each poster presentation must have a title including the title of the paper, author(s), affiliation(s), city and country. This part should be prepared by the presenting author to fit into the provided space (65 mm x 20 mm) or, if necessary, (65 mm x 25 mm)

·  Each of the poster should contain a complete piece of information, such as the abstract, a figure of table with a simple legend, or a few entire paragraphs.


3.              Other Remarks


·  Poster Printing : All authors should print and bring their posters with them to the conference or we recommend using the printing services listed below

·  An author is expected to be at the poster location during the presentation time assigned for the relevant poster session. This time will be specified in the Final Program of the ATSIP Conference, together with the time assigned for putting up and taking down the posters.




Thank you for your kind cooperation.

ATSIP’2017  Organizer Committee
