Mohamed SAHMOUDI was born in Morocco in 1977. He received the degree of Mathematics from Fes University Sidi Mohamed ben Abdellah in 1999 and a Master
degree from Pierre and Marie-Curie Paris VI in 2000.
Dr. Sahmoudi received a PhD in signal processing and communications systems from Paris-Sud Orsay University, France, in collaboration with Telecom Paris in 2004.
From 2005 to 2007, he was a post-doctoral researcher fellow on GPS Signal Processing and Navigation at Villanova University, PA, USA. In august 2007, he
joined the ETS school of engineering at Montreal, Canada, to lead the research team of precise positioning (RTK and PPP). In 2009 he joined the French Institute of
Aeronautics and Space (ISAE-SUPAERO) as an Associate Professor, University of Toulouse.
Currently his research interests focus on all aspects of signal processing for cognitive navigation and positioning in harsh environment (weak GNSS signals acquisition and
tracking, multi-frequency and multi-GNSS receivers, multipath mitigation and constructive use, multi-sensor fusion for robust navigation). He has been involved also
in several projects of radar array processing, impulsive noise mitigation, MIMO beamforming for broadband wireless communication systems (LTE, WiMax),
cognitive radio and acoustic blind sources separation. Dr. Sahmoudi has published more than 60 papers in international conferences and journals and 3 patents.
He has received several research grants from CNRS France, USA Navy (ONR), NSERC Canada, French Space Agency CNES, DGA (French Defense Agency),
Thales, SAFRAN, and academic awards, including the IEEE ICC 2004, ION GNSS 2011 and ION GNSS 2013 best paper & presentations award.