Habib Benali
Scientific Director, PERFORM Centre and Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science Concordia University Montreal, QC, Canada
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I was the director of the unit INSERM 678, Laboratory of Functional Imaging of the French National of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) until 2013,
and deputy director of Biomedical Imaging Laboratory, INSERM - The National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Paris 6 University (UPMC),
France, until January 2016. I was the co-director of the International Laboratory of Neuroimaging and Modelisation of the INSERM-UPMC and Montreal University until 2015.
I am currently Scientific Director, PERFORM Centre and Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science Concordia
University Montreal, QC, Canada. My current research group interests are in human brain computational modelling and functional connectivity analysis using multimodal
analysis of electromagnetic and hemodynamic processes in the brain and spinal cord. I developped mathematical models to better understand the mechanisms of brain activity
and neurovascular coupling using (BOLD fMRI, MRS, EEG, optical imaging) signals. I proposed macroscopic models of the spatial extent of the anatomical networks and their
functional dynamics. The overarching goals of my research program is to address the problem of developing models for the numerical simulation of the humain brain activity
and physiopathological neurodegenerative disease through an integrated biomedical approach. . |
Plenary Speech
Apports conjoints de la neuroimagerie et de la modélisation au diagnostic précoce de la maladie d’Alzheime
Driss Boussaoud
Senior Cognitive Neuroscientist at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, FRANCE), Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes, UMR 1106 Inserm and Aix-Marseille University
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Driss Boussaoud was born in the Middle Atlas of Morocco, in 1958, and studied in the little town of Sefrou up to the age of 18.
In 1976, he to Rabat where he studied Biology & Geology and receive a MS diploma in Biology & Geology in 1980 from Mohamed 5th University.
He then moved to Lyon (France), were he received a PhD in Neurosciences in 1983 from Claude Bernard.
After a short stay in Morocco as an Assistant Professor, he joined the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda (MD, USA), for a 6 year post-doc stay (1986-1992).
In 1992, he was joined the CNRS (Lyon, France) where he has developed his research program on the emergence of function in brain networks using an multidisciplinary
approach including neurophysiology, brain imaging and neuropsychology both in health and disease. |
Plenary Speech
Neuro-Technologies : from neurons to brain-machine interface
Gérard Chollet
Research professor , Research director in CNRS, Télécom ParisTech, Paris, FRANCE,
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Until the doctoral level, my education was centered on Mathematics (DUES-MP), Physics (Maîtrise), Engineering and Computer Sciences (DEA).
I studied Linguistics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara where I was granted a PhD in Computer Science and Linguistics.
I taught courses in Phonetics, Speech processing and Psycholinguistic in the Speech and Hearing department at Memphis State University in 1976-1977.
Then, I had a dual affiliation with the Computer Science and Speech departments at the University of Florida in 1977-1978.
I joined CNRS (the french public research agency) in 1978 at the Institut de Phonétique in Aix en Provence. Since then, CNRS is my main employer.
In 1981, I was asked to take in charge the speech research group of Alcatel. This mas my first real experience with management.
The speech group of Alcatel moved subsequently to Telic in Strasbourg (where I consulted), then SEL in Germany, and now Face and Telettra in Italy.
In 1983, I joined a newly created CNRS research unit at ENST (under the leadership of Claude Gueguen).
This unit has grown steadily since then (incorporating researchers from most of the departments of ENST). I was head of the speech group before I left temporarily for IDIAP.
In 1985, I spent a sabbatical year at IPO in Eindhoven, The Netherland. This is where I developped the `temporal decomposition' technique with Steven Marcus.
That technique has been quite successful and is still under development at AT\&T, CUED, ICP, LAFORIA, ENST, ...
In 1992, I was asked to participate to the development of IDIAP , a new research laboratory of the `Fondation Dalle Molle' in Martigny, Switzerland.
We initiated a successful collaboration with the Swiss Telecom-PTT and attracted some funding from the Swiss Confederation (from National and European programs).
Since 1996, I am back, full time at ENST, managing research projects and supervising doctoral work.
I teach every year graduate courses (in Paris and Lausanne) in Speech and Signal processing.
I supervise(d) a number of doctoral thesis (Omnes, Tassy, Vicard, Choukri, Fournier, DeLima, Bimbot, Montacié, Deleglise, Barbier, Valbret, Mokbel, Mathan,
Mauc, Liu, Tadj, Homayounpour, Langlais, Cernocky, Genoud, Constantinescu, Halber, Gravier, Verlinde, Kharroubi, Benayed, Karam, Benmosbah, Sanchez-Soto, Lin,...).
My main research interests are in phonetics, automatic speech processing, speech dialog systems, multimedia, pattern recognition, digital signal processing, speech pathology, speech training aids, ... |
Plenary Speech
Privacy Preserving Speech Processing
Tajjeeddine Rachidi
University AL AKHAWAYN, Ifrane, Morocco
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Prof. Tajjeeddine Rachidi, earned his Computer Engineering degree from the prestigious ENSIMAG in France, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Essex, England.
His fields of research include system design, telecommunications, computer security, cryptography, nano-satellites and ground stations, and applications of soft computing to
intrusion detection, text processing, and environmental computing. He published more than 70 peer reviewed papers, articles and book chapters, and jointly filed 3 international
patents in telecommunications. Dr Rachidi served as the Information Technology Services Director and the Associate Vice President in charge of IT and Research for Al Akhawayn
University in Ifrane, Morocco. Dr Rachidi consults for both the private and public sectors in matters related to information systems, environmental computing, payment systems,
and security. |
Plenary Speech
Bernd Grambow
Professor, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
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Bernd Grambow, is a Professor of excellence at the Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France.
He graduated at the Freie Universität Berlin, worked for one year at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (WA, USA)
followed by research positions in Hahn Meitner Institute Berlin and Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. He holds today the Chair on nuclear waste disposal
in Nantes and is head of the Subatech laboratory in Nantes, France, a laboratory working on high energy nuclear physics, on nuclear medicine and radiochemistry.
SUBATECH is a mixed research unit between the CNRS-IN2P3, the Ecole des Mines of Nantes and the University of Nantes. Coordinator of various
European projects and former director of the national CNRS-academic/industrial research network NEEDS “nuclear: environment, energy, waste, society”,
his areas of scientific expertise are radiochemistry, nuclear waste disposal science, geochemical modeling, radionuclide migration in the environment,
chemical thermodynamics, and dynamics of solid/liquid interfaces. He published 143 peer reviewed research papers. In 2008 he received the Grand Prix Ivan Pechès
of the French Academie of Science and in 2013 he became Chevalier of the Ordre des Palmes Académiques. |
Plenary Speech
Nuclear Physics, Radiochemistry and Radioisotope Production : an Interdisciplinary Endeavor for Imaging in Nuclear Medicine
Mohamed Kayyali
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Dr. Kayyali, Innovation Management from Harvard University at the HBS, a PhD &M. Sc (WCU), he is IEEE Industrial Officer ,and BCS (British Computer Society)
Computer Chartered Scientist & Chartered Fellow by the Royal Science Council of United Kingdome & Awarded ELITE by BCS in U.K., his biography listed in Who’s Who
in Science and Engineering and he has patent theory, he has many published conferences & journals papers and indexed book at the Library of Congress in U.S.A.-,
invited as key note speaker by U.N. & European Union’s industry foundations International Conferences, he was a researcher visitor at the University of California- Santa
Barbara UCSB, he was CEO at Trust Holding Dubai, , held Business Advisor at CMCE Dubai, also he has numbers of business technology management consulting works in
Latin America, North Africa, Asia and Middle East, he is vice president of Kuwait & Maroc console Chamber of Commerce & Industry at the CGEM.
Currently he is CEO / co-founder of 4D Business Consulting 4dbc.net - a Business Consulting firm founded (a business advisory firm short listed by European Bank of
Reconstruction & Developing ebrd.com),founder of ANAhost an ISP company in the U.S.A , founder of Time Business News, President of International Federation of Green
ICT and founder of KSF Space a U.K International Space Foundation.
Plenary Speech
NanoSat the future of Space & Applications