Advanced Clinical Aided Tools for Tumors’ Characterization and Exploration
Ahmed BEN HAMIDA, born in 1963 in Sfax (Tunisia), graduated in Electrical Engineering 1988, obtained Master degree in Telecommunications 1993 (ENIT School of Engineering, Tunis Tunisia), Doctorate degree (PhD) in 1998 and the HDR degree for research Director 2003, ENIS School of Engineering, Sfax-Tunisia).
Currently, he is the head of ‘ATMS’ Laboratory ( Advanced Technologies Medicine & Signals), a novel creation of the year 2016, gathering university researchers in technological sciences (Schools of Engineers, Faculty of Science…), and of the university of Medicine (Two Professors in Medicine, with assistants and doctors). This ‘ATMS’ creation is original in its direction, where researchers of two various fields are brought together: a technological field and a medical field. It coordinates and takes an active part in ENIS Doctoral Formation in Electronics, more specifically in Signal Processing, in Image Processing and in Telecommunication applications...
Undertaken research was mainly directed according to three topics: Speech processing (for medical), Medical Image processing with all modalities (Stimulation algorithms). Major pert of the undertaken research tasks were in co-operation with foreign Laboratories such as GRAMS University of Sherbrooke Canada in the beginning, LASL Laboratory in Calais France, LAMIH Laboratory in Valenciennes France, GRIF Laboratory at Telecom lille1 France, Neuroscience Laboratory at University CLB Lyon France, CENIR research center at slaptrière hospital, Paris France, as well as with several alternatives with industrial companies like TELNET Tunisia…
Various research levels (Master, Doctorate) were being directed around various topics involving Information Technologies and Medical technologies: Recognition and synthesis of word as well as the relevant Algorithms, Medical and satellite image processing, Medical Teledetection, Image, Biometrics, Data fusion and pattern recognition, Biomedical Stimulators and prosthesis, CAD…
Various papers and high level scientific publications could describe more specifically this research in biomedical technologies, such as Elsevier, Maghrebian Annals, IJSP, JAS, JOLPE, GESTS…, and in international conferences such as WMSC, EMBS, CIAP, ISIE, ICSCCP, SSD, JTEA, ATSIP…
High level scientific activities were marked for various circumstances: Invited Professor at the University of Sherbrooke (Canada) for the years 1999-2003, Invited Professor at LASL Laboratory Calais France and GRIF Telecom Lille1 France, Director HDR degree, Director of various Theses, Reviewer of HDR and Thesis degree, Reviewer in high qualified revues, Invited Lecturer in conferences and Workshops, President and chairman of various conferences’ sessions…