o Speech recognition
o Speech analysisand synthesis
o Audio and acoustic signal processing
o Machine learning for speech processing
o Spoken language processing
o Coding and transmission
o Indexing and retrieval,
o Authentication and watermarking
o Filtering, restoration and enhancement
o Implementation for image/signal processing
o Satellite Image processing
o Multiresolution fusion: PanSharpening
o Radar data modeling, inversion and assimilation
o Optical data modeling, inversion and assimilation
o Thermal infrared and land surface modeling
o Satelite Image processing
o General modeling in signal
o General modeling in image
o 2D & 3D images and models
o Pattern recognition
o Facial recognition and application
o Biometrics and application
o Animal biometrics
o General Medical Image Computing
o Computer Assisted Interventional Systems and Robotics
o General Biological Image Computing
o Neuroscience Image Computing
o Computer aided diagnosis CAD
o Innovative Clinical / Biological Applications and Surgical Procedures
o Functional medical imaging & Hybrid imaging
o Evidence theory and TBM
o Management of conflicts between sources
o Fusion of dependant sources
o Application for image data fusion
o Cognitive Radio
o Cooperative systems
o Resource allocation
o MIMO systems and space-time coding
o Single-carrier, multi-carrier, and multi-rate systems
o Multiple access and broadcast channels, multi-user receivers
o Fundamental limits on capacity and performance analysis
o Cross-layer issues
o Signal processing tools for ad-hoc, multi-hop, and sensor networks
o Cryptography & Cryptanalysis,
o Intellectual property protection, Privacy protection, Authentication &Integrity
o Secure steganography
o Steganalysis
o Security metrics and Performance evaluation